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퍼포먼스 project SAVE NUJIN: about the stolen statue

On 2nd day of September 2023, there was a quiet performance in the downtown of Kassel Germany.

A little known but proud fact is that the statue of peace (die Friedensstatue in german) was erected in this city until this March. This statue was called “Nujin” by Korea Verband and many supporters. However it was removed by unknown people secretly and quickly in a day just before April this year.

AStA uni Kassel, students and ctizen were united under the same voice “Save Nujin”, and defined that this missing statue of peace was not an ordinary accident but the social (and phychological) brutal racsim.

This performance was their first official event forward every people in Kassel.

Directing : YiDahn

Shooting : Vishnoir Kim, Kybeom Lee

Editing : Vishnoir Kim

Sponsor : Korea Verband

Support : SAVE NUJIN, AStA Uni Kassel

Thanks to : Cory Peter, Selina

Special thanks to all participants and supporters

SAVE NUJIN is a project for the missing statue Nujin.
This video is about the guerrilla performance at Museumsnacht Kassel, 02.Sep 2023.