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Forgotten Voices

Forgotten Voices / relief in terracotta / 40X50cm / 2023
This woman has a swollen head and is sitting uncomfortably for a long time on stilts. Behind her, there were (and still are) countless women who were forced to spend their youth as comfort women by the Japanese military during WWII. Without an apology or compensation from the Japanese government, each individual comfort woman remains psychologically trapped in the battlefields.
Diese Frau hat einen geschwollenen Kopf und hockt unruhig auf Stelzen. Hinter ihr gab es (und gibt es) unzählige Frauen, die gezwungen wurden, ihre Jugend als Trostfrauen für das japanische Militär während des Zweiten Weltkriegs zu verbringen. Ohne Entschuldigung und ohne Entschädigung von der japanischen Regierung bleibt jede einzelne Trostfrau noch immer psychisch mitten auf den Schlachtfeldern gefangen.
그녀의 머리는 부풀어 오릅니다. 그녀는 불안하게 죽마 위에 앉아 있습니다. 전쟁은 끝이 났지만 여전히 그녀의 뒤에는 제2차세계대전 중 일본 군대에 의해 위안부로 강제동원된 수많은 여성들이 있습니다. 일본 정부로부터 어떤 사과나 배상도 없이, 위안부 여성들은 지금도 여전히 전쟁터의 한복판에 서있습니다.

Have you ever heard what happened in this spring 2023 in Kassel? If you haven't, click these links and check them out. This is a sad story.

The Statue of Peace