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  • SVOX.TV released selected short films
  • Bunker project 2021 - Preparation of the stop motion
  • The basic structure of the head
  • BREATH 1 (short version I)

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The Ongoing (평화의 소녀)

 The Ongoing (평화의 소녀) / relief in terracotta / 32X46cm / 2023
Some students of Kunsthochschule Kassel and Korea Verband in Berlin are preparing a group exhibition this year. The main theme of this exhibit is comfort women and the Statue of peace (평화의 소녀상, 慰安婦像) in Kassel. The Statue of Peace is among the most iconic and contested statues dedicated to 'comfort women', a euphemism for women who were sexually exploited by the Japanese military during the Second World War.
 Have you ever heard what happened in this spring 2023 in Kassel? If you haven't, click these links and check them out. This is a sad story.

The Statue of Peace

The missing statue of Kassel

(above) modeling tools on the working space
 (below) datails on the second day